Visius counts people — you get the best location for opening a new store

It counts more in a day than a human would do in a month
Who is it for?
Offline retail
Shopping malls
Service sector
Real estate agencies
Food services
Advertising agencies
Your future revenue depends on the number of people passing a potential point o sales. Now you don’t need to count them manually: just take a video and upload it to Visius.

You can find tips on taking these videos
Upload a video
Draw a line over the place to calculate traffic. Visius will automatically count people, cars, and cyclists that cross the line
Select a place for counting
In the Analytics section, you will find data on traffic and more.
Check more spots and move ahead of your competitors!

View the results
How does Visius work?
See how Visius works
Why is Visius better than manual count?
Works 3 times faster than a human
Available 24/7, anywhere in the world where there is Internet
You can record videos using any camera, both outdoors and indoors
Always up to date if you connect an IP camera
Отзывы наших пользователей
User feedback
How much can you save with Visius?
Assesses 6 potential locations using video in 5 days for $ 150
Assesses 6 potential locations using video in 1 day for $ 55
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